The cemetery is maintained by the London Borough of Croydon West Surrey Family History Society holds information on war graves from World War 2.
Search for any references to your ancestor in the Surrey Index of Names: (opens in new browser window) or use our contact form if you have a question not answered by the Surrey Index of Names Friends of Surrey Cemeteries (Surrey Cemeteries: a survey, 2012): FOSC Chelsham Road, Warlingham, Opened 1938. 32 acre site, less used. 01883 624 484. Croydon BC, Mitcham Road, Croydon CR9 3AT. 0208 684 3877. Greenlawn Memorial Park Ltd of Abford house Wilton street SW1 proposed in 1936 a 32 acre site on the Chelsham Road near Warlingham with no headstones but bronze tablets flush with the turf. Stated intention was to preserve the natural beauty of the area. Planned to have Anglican, non-conformist and Catholic areas. Current area 6½ acres opened in 1938, owned by London Borough of Croydon since 1947. Brick gatehouse smart and practical. On one side a rose garden with bird baths and a mosaic of bronze tablets. On other side “Sanctum Vaults” for cremated ashes. Planting minimal with mainly ornamentals. A Muslim area at south end. Visited 2010. Large entrance arch with waiting room, toilets, freephone to Croydon cemetery. Mature hedges around perimeter, a few trees, benches and water troughs. All memorials flat plaques but quite a lot of flowers and many plastic toys and bits and bobs. Rose garden. Well kept (ie mown!). Road around T shaped area rather like Toyota logo. Notice board with clear map and details of heritage walks at Mitcham Road, Queens Road and Croydon Crematorium at various dates. Several leaflets on services and costs obtained from waiting room. Muslim plot behind a hedge on western end, first date found 1998 now area nearly full. Watering cans donated by the Sheikh family. Graves actually grassy mounds rather than flat. In many ways most attractive part of cemetery. Entrance arch says Greenlawns but documentation does not include the S. Despite being sterile it was surprisingly tranquil. Greenlawn memorial Park is in the Tandridge district of Surrey.
Unless otherwise stated the dates for the creation of parishes are taken from Youngs, Frederick. A., Guide to the Administrative Units of England; Royal Historical Society: London, 1979 volume 1 Southern England.
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